Mission Theme

Mission Theme for 2015 & 2016--Learn it, Live it, Share it

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 9


Same old P-day, nothing really happened that is very exciting.


We had a lesson with Lekesha that we were trying to have one for over a month. She wants to go to a church and found one that she wanted to go to, but because we keep on trying to teach her (she was not home or there at not another adult male home), she let us come in and shared what we had. I think she has a lot of potential, but when we tried calling her later on in the week, she was not sure why we wanted to meet with her again. She does not want to choose between two churches.

Elder Thomas had to make a stop, so we stopped at a Turkey Hill Dairy. When we walked in, one of the people who was working asked us why we were dressed up. We told him that we were missionaries and that we share the gospel. We talked to him a little about the Book of Mormon, and he asked if he could have one to read. We left our bags outside in the car because we were only planning on using the restroom, so we had to go back outside to get a Book of Mormon. As we walked out to grab one, the other person that was working asked if she could also have one. We think that one of them is really interested in learning more, but we have not had a chance to meet with them after that. Also I had the first experience with having dedicated time for tracting. So far, it looks like we are going to get some new investigators from the tracting.


This was a really good day. We went over the baptismal interview questions with Tiffany, Reuben, and Diana so they know what they could expect in the baptismal interview. It also helps us to know what we need to still cover or what we need to go back to and review so they have a better understanding. We invited them to the ward game night, but they already had plans. To bring in the New Year, I went to bed around 10:30 and then got up at 6:30 the next day just like I normally do.


We had zone training where the zone leaders talked how to give out commitment invitations. We then gave a blessing to a person we don't know. When tracking on Tuesday we visited with his wife and found out that he had to have his left leg amputated because it got badly infected. He didn't know that we were coming, but he still accepted the blessing. I don't think we are going to teach him, but we did plant seeds that I hope will grow and some other missionaries can find them and teach them.


Friday was golden (greenie) follow-up training in Nazareth (about an hour northeast), so we had to get up early to make it in time. President Anderson, Sister Anderson, Elder Watt and Elder Pitt (they are the current assistants to the president) instructed to us and inspired us to be the best missionaries we can be. We got back just in time to go on exchanges with the zone leaders. This time, I stayed in my area and Elder Thomas left. I was super nervous, but I was able to go through everything with confidence. I had Elder Morgan with me, and he was able to teach me how to talk to people on the streets better.


Elder Thomas and I tried to talk to some people, but he was not feeling well, so we relaxed most of the afternoon and the evening. I cleaned up the house some more and read some conference talks.


Elder Morgan and I talked a little to a man named Angel on Friday. He sounded a little interested, so we set up a time on Sunday to meet with him. When we stopped by, his son answered the door. It turned out he was asleep, but he got up, put on a jacket, and we talked to him on the porch.

Elder Bjerregaard

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